Bring a Book Baby Shower Insert Free Printable

What Is "Please Bring A Book Instead Of A Card"

Bring a book instead of a card baby shower! It's a growing trend, and it won't be going away any time soon.

Traditionally, guests would take a wrapped baby gift and a card to a baby shower. However, things are changing. Nowadays, there are new trends that completely upend tradition. For example, guests no longer have to wrap their gifts thanks to a "display shower." And as for a traditional baby shower card, you are now asked to please bring a book, instead.

Not all trends stick, but the "bring a book instead of a card baby shower" trend is one that will likely stick around because there are so many benefits to it.

Why A "Bring A Book Instead Of A Card Baby Shower" Is So Great!

  • Instead of a traditional baby shower card that may be saved in an album or baby book (or land up in the trash), a children's book can be used for years to come;
  • Each book becomes a personalized keepsake from your guests;
  • A good quality baby shower card can cost as much as seven to ten dollars. Instead of spending the money on a card that will be of no use to the baby, guests can spend the same amount of money on a book that will be used and loved.
  • It's fun for guests! They can get books that they have enjoyed as children;
  • Baby can quickly grow a library of books. By reading to your child early, you are creating beautiful early memories. You are possibly also raising a lifelong reader. Babies who are read to tend to have a larger vocabulary. Also, (according to the American Academy of Pediatrics,) parents who read to their infants give them an academic boost for years to come.
  • Baby books encourage quality bonding time between parents and their babies;
  • Books are entertaining or educational;
  • Books can last for a long time. They can be used over and over, and they can be passed on from one child to another;
  • If you have a baby who likes to be read to, you can never have too many books!

How To Ask For Books At A Baby Shower

Use A Bring A Book Instead Of A Card Printable

As you send out your baby shower invitations, simply add a Bring A Book Instead Of A Card Printable insert with the "please bring a book instead of a card wording."

Free Printable Baby Shower Book Instead Of Card Inserts

Gender-Neutral Book Request Inserts

Please be sure to set your printer to Portrait. For the best results, print your gender-neutral "instead of a card bring a book" printables on card stock paper. Cut them in place one card into each invitation.

There are 8 Bring A Book insert cards on each page. These printables are free, for personal use.

Bring A Book Instead Of A Card Wording

How to word baby shower invitations asking for books? Because this is an established and much-loved trend, there are already many poems for you to choose from.

Below are 13 "bring a book instead of a card wording" options. Some can be personalized with mom-to-be's name, or baby's name. Choose the one that sounds the best.

  1. A small request we hope it's not hard, please bring a book instead of a card. It doesn't matter if it's well-loved or brand new, either way, your book will remind us of you. Write a sweet message on the inside cover, and your words will be cherished forever and ever.

  1. A pretty baby card just isn't a must. It stays in an album all covered in dust. But by signing a book, we'll remember and share Your cherished gift even when you're not there.

  1. Instead of a card, we have a small request: Please bring a book — (Baby's name) will enjoy that the best! We can read your inscription each night before bed, And enjoy your sentiment through all the years ahead.

  1. Whether it's Seuss or Captain Hook, Instead of a card bring your favorite book.

  1. Books are the thing that will make [baby's name] clever. So bring a book [he/ she] will treasure forever and ever.

  1. To fill baby's library shouldn't be hard, If you bring a book instead of a card. It doesn't matter which story you choose; Just be sure to include a note from you!

  1. Whether it's brand new, or a cherished classic, Help [mommy-to-be's name] fill her baby's bookshelves. That would be fantastic!

  1. I want to be a bright child, as smart as I can be. That is why I'm hoping my mom will read to me. If you plan to bring a card, please take another look, I would like to learn my ABC's, from your favorite storybook. Please sign your name, as your personal touch. Baby [last name] thanks you, beary, beary much.

  1. Although cards are nice with their sentiment and prayer, They're read once or twice then tucked away with care. A book is a treasure, words and pictures unite Read over and over to teach and delight. So instead of a card for Baby and mother, Please give a child's book with your thoughts in the cover. Your book will be cherished; God will watch from above, When it's read they will remember your kindness and love.

  1. We can't wait to see you at the shower When [mommy-to-be's name] will be the woman of the hour. We have one request we hope isn't too hard, Please sign your name to a book instead of a card. Then mom and dad will be ready when the baby arrives, To read to their darling for the rest of their lives.

  1. Skip the card for a book instead. We want baby to be well-read!

  1. As [Mommy-to-be's name] due date is coming near, we're inviting friends and family dear. To choose a favorite story or fairy tale, that you would like Baby [last-name] to hear. Instead of a card, please let [mommy-to-be's name] look, at your special choice of a book, And then to Baby [baby's name or last name]) she will read, with all the love a newborn will need. So with a personal touch, please choose a book, and in it then your name do put. It need not cost much more than a card, just pick a favorite, it shouldn't be hard.

  1. Just one last request, and we hope it's not hard Please bring baby a book in place of a card By signing your book, we will remember and share Your special gift, even when you're not there!

  1. One small request that won't be too hard Please bring a book instead of a card Whether Cat in the Hat or Winnie the Pooh You can sign the inside cover with a note from you Baby will become very smart, if my advice you do heed If we begin early, [he'll/ she'll] soon love to read.

  1. Please skip the card, and instead help us fill baby's shelves with all the "friends" (s)he needs. "Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers." —Charles William Eliot

  1. Instead of a card, we have a request Please bring a book, the baby will enjoy that the best! We can read your note, each night before bed And enjoy your sentiment, for all the years ahead!

  1. I know it can be very hard To pass up all those baby cards They may be cute, they may be clever, But a cherished book will last forever. Sign a book instead of a card.

  1. One small request that won't be too hard: Please bring a book instead of a card. Well-loved or brand new, either will do! Please don't feel obligated; We'll leave it up to you.

  1. Instead of a card, we have a request: We hope you'll bring a book you like best. Whether pre-loved or brand new, Please write a line or two, So when we read, we'll think of you.

  1. From Peter Rabbit to Mother Goose, Thomas the Train and Dr. Seuss, Curious George and Winnie-the-Pooh, Eloise and Babar, too…In lieu of a card, we ask that you bring your favorite childhood classic. Let's build (baby's name) a library — that will be fantastic!

  1. From Peter Rabbit to Mother Goose, Madeline and Dr. Seuss, Curious George and Winnie-the-Pooh, And all The Berenstain Bears, too …In lieu of a card, please bring a classic. Let's build a library for (baby's name) — that will be fantastic!

  1. Please skip the card, and instead help us fill baby's shelves with all the "friends" (s)he needs. "There is no friend as loyal as a book." —Ernest Hemingway

Cheap But Quality Baby Books For A Baby Shower

The Absolute Best Baby Books For Baby Shower Gifts

To keep things simple, you could ask guests to simply bring a copy of the book they loved when they were kids. While that could absolutely work, the problem is that you could end up with multiple copies of the same book.

A book registry solves this problem. It's easy to set up as part of your Amazon baby registry.

Alternatively, below are the best books for baby shower gifts. This collection is comprehensive. It has the most popular and loved books. Most of them are considered classics.

What is a "bring a book" baby shower?

bring a book instead of a card printable free boho aztec arrow

It's a baby shower where guests are asked to bring a book instead of a traditional baby shower card. Greeting cards are often as expensive as board books, so the theory is that if you bring a book instead of a card, it will be used and loved for a long time, compared to a card that may be stored as a memento.


Hosting or planning a baby shower takes a lot of work. You will be juggling a lot of balls in the air. Use the resources below to make your life A LOT easier.

Bring a Book Baby Shower Insert Free Printable


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